martedì 2 febbraio 2016

LA JANYNANNA - Kat Vinter - Downtime


Kat Vinter - Downtime

La Janynanna di stanotte é un pensiero d'amore, quando c'é,

un desiderio di passione quando manca.

Quando pensi alle sensazioni che vorresti provare, sul tuo corpo e sei solo sul tuo letto.
La janynanna di stanotte é la voglia di pelle su pelle, labbra, mani, lingua, respiro, sudore, tenerezza e libera espressione.
E' il dono di chi riesce a coinvolgerci completamente, dando un valore speciale ad ogni desiderio, anche quando non c'é,..
E' la capacitá di conoscere i nostri desideri di passione e di viverli ad occhi chiusi...anche nella solitudine


Testo originale (lyrics)

Take me to that place
Our secret space 
Make me as hell in your embrace
Say, this is all you wanna do
Stay, come on let me fall into you

‘Cause never in love for your downtime
Baby can we stay right here?
Love it so much when you’re all mine
Down, down, down
‘Cause never in love for your downtime
Baby can we stay right here?

Love it so much when you’re all mine
Down, down, down

The silence, on my thoughts
Without a word
I could get so lost
Inside this world of hurt
Say, this is all you wanna do
Stay, come on let me fall into you

‘Cause never in love for your downtime
Baby can we stay right here?
Love it so much when you’re all mine
Down, down, down
‘Cause never in love for your downtime
Baby can we stay right here?
Love it so much when you’re all mine
Down, down, down

Focus, focus,
Focus, focus
Down, down, down

‘Cause never in love for your downtime
Baby can we stay right here?
Love it so much when you’re all mine
Down, down, down
‘Cause never in love for your downtime
Baby can we stay right here?
Give me your rush I’m alright
Down, down, down.


Personal Facebook: Jany Federico Giovanninetti

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